Perfecslice website launched. i did the design and coding of psdtoxhtmls website. Psdtoxhmtls.co.ccprovide the fastest solutions for psd to html and xhtml coding.psdtoxhtmls.co.cc convert your designs to clean & cross browser html and xhtml code. I got some html works and i am working on that so i didn't get the time to complete Psdtoxhtmls.co.cc. i just did the design & dummy pages. I am looking for html works through my psdtoxhtml.co.cc website. I found lot of psd to html converting service website. It is not easy to competitive with them so i need to do my website seo.
psdtoxhtmls.co.cc benifits
Easy Integration into any CMS
Browser Compatibility
Well Structured CSS
Optimized and Sliced Images
Bulk Discounts Available.
psdtoxhtmls.co.cc Skills:
XHTML 1.0 Strict / Transitional
HTML Coding
CSS 2.1 (CSS3)
Search Engine Optimization
Tableless coding
Commented code
Dynamic HTML: hover states, dynamic drop down menus
SSI (PHP) includes
Accessibility (WCAG 1, Section 508/ DDA)
You may want to take a look at this service at http://www.seo-semantic-xhtml.com